
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Apr 11, 2010

To somewhere.....

Sometimes and mostly, all the time, there is this sense of urgency, to reach somewhere. Somewhere is such a lucrative word, isn’t it? No committed endeavors forcing your pace and no envisioned dreams, pushing your adrenaline to an all time high. The bliss of that carelessness and the challenge of the unknown shifted the continuous momentum to a journey of locking horns with fate.

There is this sense of void, particularly since I am about to reach a destination, a stop in the flow. I am tuning myself to accept that stop, but the journey to that stop is filled with fond memories that are difficult to leave behind. The innocence that started the journey, to the ecstasy that seem to have rubbed off on me, as I experienced the thrill and facts of the fanciful ride, as the clouds shifted and the mist cleared and the sun simmered through, brought in a sense of joy and pride, with every step, forward and backward. The urge to explore myself and the sense of reality all bare, I suddenly found myself stripped naked through the inhibitions of a glorified target. The learning that began with an unlearning and the self discovery that pushed past the inhibitions moulded me to be a better professional and a better person. This phase, the core of me, is not a blazing inferno, just a warm fire that cozies my inner soul and lulls me to a sense of tranquillity and as the yellow sun turns mellow, I inch closer to feel the heat again. I need to raise the bar and push beyond these immediate boundaries, to step closer to a pinnacle that wilfully and whimsically eludes me. And thus, I begin my journey to a land unknown. There is this sense of void in me that is difficult to fathom. And as words elude me today, I can only hope that the journey forward shall be filled with challenges that shall mould me to better myself with every step I take.

When I started on this path a good four and half years ago, I was timid and shy. I remember walking through the gates and taking the test, waiting anxiously for the results to be out. The earlier half hearted attempts at finding a career all seemed to push me with a vengeance as I realized I cannot wallow in the excuse of selfishness. As I took the reins of my life in hand and asked of myself to make a decent attempt, the door seem to have opened and it was like life giving me a chance at redemption. As the rounds cleared and I walked into the office, my first day of my professional career, I was late on my first day, thanks to the beliefs of customs that asked me to step into the office at a certain hour!!! I remember having the HR induction and I was pointed at, out of the blue, asking me what my goal was. I remember saying, very timidly, “I want to be the best software engineer I can be”. The HR looked at the class and said, “That is such a simple statement, yet it speaks something about her. She said, she wants to be the best SHE CAN BE. A lot of promise in that statement.” I remember feeling extremely conscious, as I looked her in the eyes and firmly repeated to myself, “I will be.” Now, I don’t know if I seemed to have made any difference to the organization, but I can vouch confidently that I never slacked in my effort and the promises I made to myself, albeit with little hiccups, were fulfilled.

Now, I am taking another step forward. With the incomplete thoughts in my head, I need a little more than ambition to survive in the field. And I intend to do that. I intend to better myself and detach myself of the emotional involvement I seem to have had so far. That would be a difficult promise to keep, for I cannot put myself into something when my heart and mind are not in sync and when heart is involved, there is always an emotional commitment. One hand, it is not so bad, but sometimes, it could be a terrible lapse of judgement where I could make mistakes that could cost me opportunities and push me into despair of making fatal judgements. I cannot allow that to happen, which means, I need to allow myself to go back to my journal writing and do a retrospection with a discipline that requires a lot of self control and an immovable faith in my instincts. I intend to make this break count, to firm my resolve. I intend to make the decisions with choices I can live with and that comes with a price I suppose. For now, that is just something I need to accept and hope that the things would eventually fall into place. Just as every stop opens up more choices towards the destination chosen, every choice comes with certain bumps and since I have no way of knowing what turns await the bus I take, I intend to rather focus on the journey and enjoy the path and take it as it comes. So, good luck to me, as I move at a glacial pace towards the goals… or so it seems!!!


Su.. said...

Havent got a chance to work with you but have seen u slog and from my end I can say that you have lived upto the statement that said "I want to be the best software engineer I can be"... But m sure a person like u always set the bar a lil more high...

I hope that you had some nice time at this juncture where you spent 4 years of ur life and m very sure that the journey ahead will be tiring but very challenging :)...

I join u in wishing u very good luck for every other step u take... Without a second thought m sure that you will sail thru the obstacles and reach the hilt.. All the best again :)...

Mahita said...

Thank you :).

Chandrasekhar said...

All the very best for a new beginning...

I remember those words of yours '..Best Software Engineer'

Certainly that tilted a few heads that day, I can definitely vouch for that - the grit and the passion were evident that day and when Kalpana Purushottham and Karthika were doing this exercise....and it would be an understatement to say you delivered in all what you could and if not more, and needless to say - they were real, ofcourse, backed up with Good Hard work and dedication.

Hope this new beginning also gives you lot of learning, appreciation, perks, laurels, friends, memories and happiness.

Here is wishing you all the very best and a successful stint at the new work place.

PS: Welcome to the ex-Sonatian club....there are many talented ppl here :P

Mahita said...

Thank u :) for the warm words. that day still lingers on ...