
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Sep 6, 2012

As light and dark

Pitch black! Black and black!
There is that glitter, shining and beckoning.
I walk towards it, closing one step in one eon,
Or so it seemed.
I see the flicker and then pop! Dark!
Silence reverberates and darkness seizes me.
I stop and thrash my hands around.
Pitch black!

And slowly, there is the slight flicker.
I set off again, into the pale white yonder.
Slippery soil, this, that which chaffed my feet,
Treading on the pebbles, hurting my feet,
I see the changing shades, the white, the grey,
And the bright yellow sparkle.

I close my eyes and see its shadow.
Walking in the shadows, I close in,
Through the trenches and stenches,
To which that called upon its shine.

I reach it and peer at it closer,
Alas, it’s just a window into the world!
I turn and look back,
the alluring dark stares back.
Hypnotizing and sensual, lustful and charming, it beckons me.
I take a step towards it.
The chilling cold stops me in my track.
I halt and look back,
The sparkling yellow pulls me, warm and welcoming,
I take a step back, into the warmth,
I continue staring into the dark.

The numb finality of the dark beckons,
The burning intensity of the light pulls,
Push and pull of a high tide and a wave,
Alas, I am in the light and I am in the dark.

My dance in the light and shadow, through every day!
My waltz as light and dark.

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