Dreams wither and threaten
Smiles elude and deceive
I keep pushing the thoughts
Alas!!! It is happening again…
Falling into the clutches of boredom,
I am losing my sanity…
That keeps whispering “its ok”…
How will it know that its not…
“Keep fighting” it says, “not a form that it is, to fight”, I say
“Keep Hoping”, it says, “hope for what?”, I say
“Keep Dreaming”, it says… “There you go…”, I say
“Keep Smiling”, it says, “yeah, sure!!!!!”, I say
“Catch it”, it says, and throws a smile… I do…
And here I am, with a smile on my face…
Fresh and raring to go…
“Thank you dear voice”, I say, … “ I cannot hear you”, it shouts…
I smile and I say it again…”thank you”
An echo comes back… “Arise, awake and stop not until the goal is reached…”