
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Dec 28, 2008

The definite face, with an indefinite thought…

The definite face,
with an indefinite thought…

Low murmurs and caressed hair,
Long since bygone…
Smile of the heart, kiss of the soul,
Sparkles of the past…

Today, I think of the silence,
Not of comfort or of peace,
With a definite face and
Indefinite thought…

Tomorrow is a new day,
Smiles will return,
Sparkles will return too,
For a friend can never be a foe,
And a fiend can never be a friend,
Fiend and foe can touch my life,
But a smile and a friend touch my soul…

With a definite face and
Indefinite thought,
I smile at a reflection,
Of thought and mind…
In the mirror – called life!
With a zeal for a new hope,
I soar high and above,
To touch the happiness,
Future holds …
With a definite trust
And indefinite hope…

Dec 3, 2008

Why Should I?

Trust is an unseen hope…
Can I trust?
Why should I?
After all that was done and said,
I was wrong and you were right, or so you say!
Why should I?

Breach is not just of a word,
For that very word is what held us,
Qualms of mind echo the qualms of heart,
Qualms and qualms, to fetter and deter,
So, why should I?