
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Mar 25, 2011

A Pillion Rider Thoughts

As a pillion rider, sometimes I have a lot of time to think, particularly when on roads with heavy traffic or long drives with time constraint. Today, on one such ride, I had time to munch on quite a few thoughts –the then deserted streets, the narrow roads, the bicycle rides and the now busy and wide roads, the myriad cars that continue to stream down the lane. I thought about the millions of bucks spent on the air-conditioned offices, the infrastructure, logistics, support staff, security, training, the amount spent on college funds, the amount spent on roads for improving the public transport to the roads that were unheard of a few years ago. I kept thinking, for all the justified reasons (yes, justified), how much of that money is spent wasted when that paid time is not used effectively. Am I the only one thinking like this, or are there many others who think that? I am talking about the over-paid employees with little satisfaction in the job they do and countless hours spent on (arguably) personal work during paid hours.

Mar 15, 2011

A need for a miracle...

I decided to not jot down my thoughts, they seemed trivial. Sometimes I think, I jump from one tree to another, forever restless, forever absorbed and forever obsessed with whatever fancies me at that moment. Is that a crime? Is that not what one's mind should do? Mind being a monkey at free will, does a mad dash at the first sight of color, but, I feel like putting a boundary to my thoughts today. I am afraid that they might run amok with all the madness that is going on around the world. That is right, the crisis across a continent seems to disturb me beyond reason. I keep thinking, we could be next- any natural calamity unleashed on us has no mercy, for we have been cruel to her and to expect her to be kind to us does not cut a bargain. With tides running havoc, the fire being feisty, the earth trembling in equal bursts of mirth and fury - we can only do so much.

Though the Tsunami hit Japan is the one that started this inner turmoil, it goes deeper than that. It is the reason why I have been hiding - it matters little, these thoughts. Nothing matters, really. I keep fighting this urge in me to become a saint, for I can honestly not be one. But I also keep fighting the urge to be a philanthropist. Two completely extreme emotions running in my mind- one pushes me to open up to people, while one shuns me into my own world. In that little world, I keep urging myself for some redemption. For some sanity. For something to hold on to. To fight and to keep fighting, to live, to focus and to be passionate. Yet, I seem to scoff at the very idea of being passionate and sane.

Letting aside my thoughts, I hope that the nation that stunned everyone to admiration with its miraculous recovery from the world war 2, will find its feet together, with the helping hands from all the people from across the globe. While the emotional trauma of loss of lives is something that has to be lived with, the economical debacle, with the support of the fellow nations should be rectified, if not contained. Ofcourse, at this point of time, more than the value for economy, it is the value of the lives of people who are injured, exposed to the radio-active rays that is of concern. The nuclear reactor blasts are a continuous threat to the people in the vicinity of impact. I don't know what can be done about that, but I am sure that the capable minds are looking into the options, while I fill myself up with the physics of nuclear reactors, which by the minute is turning out to be alarming and depressing!

My positive thoughts are with the nation…