
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Jul 15, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Glad that this is my 200th post in this blog :).....

Its curtain time for the most enchanting series I have witnessed. Harry Potter turns Happy Potter as he embraces his destiny and leaves me a little sad. I am super excited and super thrilled to be watching it on the first day and undoubtedly will watch again. I have not yet stepped into the Cinemas and I have not seen a single trailer, for I want the first hand impression of the grand finale of the one fantasy movie I would love to watch over and over again. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson have clutched to the strings of my heart and I will be sad to not see them as Harry Potter and Hermione Granger and I am sure that their future movies shall hold their enthralling performances, but I shall always remember them for their roles in this fantasy series. Time does not fly when I want it to fly, darn…

And I am back, after watching Harry Potter finale and boy, was it brilliant? It had everything, and amazingly the grim tone of the situation is brilliantly captured through out the movie. Despite the occasional laugh, the movie did give me what I wanted in Harry Potter movies, magic, fights, fire works, sparks. And Daniel Radcliffe did an amazing job as Harry Potter and he took me into the movie, into his emotional state, as he portrayed the character with impending doom to an outstanding extent. As you see him accept the fact that he needs to face Voldemort alone and that it would be fatal to him, the entire weight of the life he had, the experiences he had to go through and given that while he is alive, Voldemort will always be alive and that he has to be dead for Voldemort to be dead, in that scene, you just get into his character and feel that entire pain in your heart, as he sits helpless in Dumbledore’s room at Hogwarts. And that scene alone is sufficient to see the movie.

As Hogwarts fights back along with the one and only hope for their world to survive, when the professors cast the protection spells around the school, I was spellbound. I almost went into heaven watching the fireworks from there on. Sure, there are certain things I wish were better, like Harry’s explanation to Voldemort about why the spells from his wand were rebounding and why the Death Curse did not work on Harry. I wish that scene was captured according to the book. I also wished for the cheers to be heard, when Voldemort died, that the entire wizarding world that was afraid of him could heave a collective sigh of relief when they see him sprawled on the floor or become dust. To put it bluntly, I just wished that the end would drag a little more! Two hours of magic was insufficient for me… greedy me! C’mon, if you were a fan of Harry Potter, tell me that you would not wish for the same, honestly!

The movie is definitely enchanting, thrilling, surreal and absolutely a treat for all the Harry potter fans. More importantly, it succeeded in portraying the epic battle between good and bad to a very satisfying extent. And also, it’s not just about the big battle, but also the subtle themes about the love shared between the characters, that is very touchingly portrayed, which adds to the magic of the movie. It definitely makes us wonder how quickly childhood passes and pushes us to think that in a matter of a second, we might not actually have a life. When the doom shall come and embrace is definitely unknown, but what is real is the life we have at this moment and if we cannot make it work, we never know if we will have to embark on a journey as Harry Potter (fat chance!) or whatever. SO, seize the day, watch Harry Potter and get on with life as this minute is your last ;)…