
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Aug 19, 2010

Oh Well, not again!!!

“Why should I cook? It is a girl’s job!” I heard my brother stating vehemently. And the feminist in me took that as a sure sign of conflict, which triggered an age old debate of “Girl Job” and “Guy Job”. Boy, was I irked at that insolent tone or what! Define “girl job” for me please… just because a girl takes the responsibility of keeping a hot meal on the table twice a day, can that be labelled a girl’s job? I can show you a few hundred girls who do not know how to cook and I can show you a few hundred guys who do a grand job of putting a meal together.

And the topic went on and on about the usual “paycheck is earned by men”
“how difficult is it to cook a meal?”
“Men do all the hardwork in the family and girls just cook and sleep” etc etc etc…
I don’t even want to humble the questions with counter points. Seriously, I was surprised about the chauvinist attitude that I told him as such – to stop being such an MCP. Shudder!

I was wondering, however, what good is all that manliness if he cannot make a hot cup of tea/coffee or soup for a sick mother or wife or sister? Perhaps, that has something to do with over pampered morons who were fed three square meals a day irrespective of the state of their mother. Since, obviously fathers refuse to enter into the kitchen (barring my dad, ofcourse, who not only cooks buts feeds my mother when she is unwell!). why is it so difficult to inculcate sensitiveness into a guy’s brain, to have his eyes and ears open to the people who make his life easier? Hmpf!!!

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