
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Aug 8, 2011

Another phase: A trip to the US of A

There is something absolutely thrilling when a dream comes true. I am here, in USA and it is unbelievable. The journey to the place was tiring, but it did not take much time for me to adjust, thanks to being aware of the ordeal. How I came to be here is a different story, but being here definitely makes me feel the excitement of a ten year old kid about to go to a circus!

Minneapolis is a beautiful place. On the offset, it does not look secure or safe, but, beneath all those gory feelings, the place is absolutely gorgeous, with its lovely surroundings and amazing buildings. My first take of the place is that it is extremely beautiful, albeit reserved in its welcome to strangers! And for the record, public transport in the US is really sad and bad. From an ecological perspective, it would save a ton of petrol/diesel/gas if the transport in the US improves. Just saying.And ofcourse, the rent is exorbitant, but that comes with not knowing the place. Leaving out the mundane details aside, I have a beautiful view of the skyline of Minneapolis and a view of the Mississippi river and a perfect view of the traffic that flows around the place. I love watching all the three. It is fascinating to be lost in the clouds, that are clear and look warm. Summer is beautiful when it does not show its wrath. And the traffic is something I do not get tired to watch and it is fascinating to see the order with which the traffic moves in this place. Coming from India, it certainly is a refreshing pace.

Winter, a couple of months down the line, I was told, is pretty harsh and the first winter might be particularly harsh. I really do not like the cold and I have absolutely no clue as to how I landed myself in this part of the US, where the winter is the coldest. Ofcourse, there is a silver lining that I get to see the snow, but then again, I was told, it would be a snow desert for a good six months, so I would eventually get tired of it. Well, whatever anyone says, I am pretty excited about it and I am looking forward to it, though I might change the tune when it really comes down to it. LOL.

But, most of all, I am excited about seeing New York. For some reason, watching CSI NY drove me to the point of desperate measures to see this place. Ofcourse, watching a crime scene investigation gives me little chance to see the surroundings, when there is a murder suspense to unveil, but then, I am good at observing things, particularly architecture and New York is the place to see it. I am not sure when I would get a chance to see this place, but I will have to see it before I return back home. I am super excited about it.

On a side note, I am working on something I have absolutely no clue about, so catching up on it will take most of my initial time and ofcourse, a place to stay is still vague for now. And yeah, the possibility of seeing Vampire Diaries while it telecasts is like, super thrilling for me. That is another thing I am excited about.

So lets see how this phase of my life goes…

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