
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Oct 11, 2009


I opened a closed chamber today,
To confront the demons I held in that,
I know, it IS time…

I traversed this path many a time,
I know the end and as the dusk approaches,
I have a journey to make, a longer journey,
Into the depths of the night and into the shadows of the past,
Off to the delusions of the world that is mine and mine alone…
A knife in plain view, the end, painless and swift…

The fork in the road and the paths detached,
The forlorn thoughts and the myriad tears,
Together we traverse, yet alone in our paths,
Into the depths and into the cataclysms,
I hear you no more,
Not in the rhythm of my heart, Not in the need of my breath,
I am there for you, no more,
Not in the curves of your body at the dusk, Not in the lyrical hum of your heart in the morning…

Alone and breathing, two hearts as one,
Farewell, dear one, my heart in yours, forever more to keep or throw,
I journey alone, through the Gates of Mordor…
The first step I take, seals my fate…
North, West, South are the nature’s obstacles,
Tide or fortune, one cannot face…
Journey north-west dear one, at least you can fight the enemy with face,
I leave you to your fate, bliss or sorrow, yours to make,
None mine, never it was… foolish was I, to think other wise!!!
Just make sure, you journey quiet and walk straight,
I won’t hear you no more,
I won’t see you no more…
This time, I walk alone…

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