
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Mar 10, 2010

Frozen in time...

I wish I can be frozen in time, not breathe, not think, not feel. Just be there, in that timelessness and be lost in the moment of that insanity. I am staring at this piece for the past thirty minutes and it feels like a wish coming true and that I am frozen in time, with no thoughts to bother me. But, alas, that is so not true. My mind works faster and heart even faster, in that, they can force each other to work overtime to gain the sense of time, again!!! I wonder, if there can be volunteers for lab experiments. If yes, I wish I can give them my brain, to do the experiments to compute the logistics of brain waves. I would like to understand mine! And at least, perhaps, in that zone of experimental science, I can find a moment of tranquility! Ah, the extent to which one has to go, to attain a moment’s peace.

It is blissful, this agony, to know, I have none to blame, but me! Trust is such an overrated expression, but, it holds no meaning when it is lost. A misplaced trust can hurt even the super man, what am I, to not feel that heat? But, even as the hurt grays my mind, the weight on my heart just about makes me wish that life is a bit more lenient in its punishments. Is it such a crime, to try and defy my mind? If this is the punishment, then yes, it certainly feels like a crime. 

It is one of those days, where I feel, I need to be invisible or have the super powers to travel miles in a flash. I would run across the globe, a few hundred times, just to exhaust myself and collapse. I wish I can just wrap this entire saga in a cloud and let it float to a distance galaxy, never to return again. Or perhaps, there can be amnesia, where I forget a certain phase of life, never to remember again!!! Better yet, would it not be good to have a switch off button for life? To switch it off when one has no further purpose! I am sure, I am replaceable, none to lament and a place better filled by my absence!

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