
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Jan 2, 2008

Life does not give second chances

The other day, a friend made a statement, saying that, it would be nice to have second chances in life. That spurred a thought, as to would it really be nice to have second chances??? I don’t think life would be interesting when we can cover every mistake of ours after understanding the consequences.

An infant cuddled in the warmth of a mother’s embrace, soon becomes a toddler who runs across the muddled waters, walks on the railway tracks, waves hands at planes, laughs at a person missing a step, builds sand castles, plays hide and seek and crashes like a log at the end of the day, tired and content with the days activities. The fairy tales, the pranks of school days walk past and soon the carefree lad enters the youth, when the heart leaps up to pluck the stars… Gone are the aimless wanderings in the woods, listless idling with friends. Plans for lovely miles into the galaxies of life and walks with purpose ignoring the simplest pleasures that were once craved for… The hard facts of life stare in the face and the stress and the storm of the adulthood transform him from within. A hurdle race from womb to tomb, if we choose to describe life, compels us to question ourselves “have we extracted the joys that the maker intended us to extract out of life?”. Time slips out of our hands without notice. Just as water on a lotus leaf, so is life… frail and transient. One day, looking at the mirror at a resemblance of a wrinkled face and haunted eyes, we realize that the shadows of the evening are staring back… but, what happened to those rosy dreams, the words of love unspoken, the promises unfulfilled? What about the aspirations to reach the stars? Seeing the shattered dreams, lost hopes and withered regrets, the soul wails… if only life had second chances… but alas, life does not give second chances!!!


Su.. said...

Reconsider !! :)

Mahita said...

Heyyyy, thanks for the comment and sorry for the late response. I dunno that u read my blog ;)... ha ha ha...

Reconsider??? Reconsider the statement? Mmm, well, as of now, I still hold to the opinion that life does not give second chances...

Su.. said...

Reconsider !! :) :-p

adarkmarshbench said...

"Experience is something like a comb you get after getting bald"..don't remember the source to quote...but Life is like that.

You can see to it this way though, your experiences combined with the experiences of the number of people you meet/interact/dialog with...it's all learning for you, to take the step that is right for you(need not be the right step) ....my perspective.