
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Mar 21, 2009

Memory always obeys the commands of the heart

Why? Why is memory related to heart? What is heart any way? A pumping machine or something beyond that? I am sure some one out there is willing to smack my head to the pavement for asking such a thrilling question. But, can’t help it! I was reading through some stuff today and suddenly found this statement and it got me thinking. Why is it that every memory should have an emotional quotient rather than a logical reasoning? When we get the job done with reason, why is it that heart, which basically is incapable of forming a coherent idea, needs to take command of the memory which in turn resides in the mind? I want to run through this idea with a few friends out there and I am sure I am gonna get my share of sarcasm and an earful of taunts and another earful of compliments for taxing my brain which they will conclude has deserted me, but I am gonna bear all this with a brave face as long as they are willing to pass me a proper conclusion as to whether the afore mentioned statement is right or wrong!

A possible reaction could be that I have lost my marbles! :)


Su.. said...

The perfect ever post I have come across.. Tidy.. Neat.. Small.. Simply - THE best..

Persons who post here after - care to explain what did U understand reading this? I have lost my memory..Cant expect heart to help me out :)..

Purnima said...

Su.. LOL! This is called speaking out of heart! :P

Lady.. Not sure if I would make sense here, lemme give it a try.

I don't think "heart" in this quote would mean a biological organ or the likes. Heart, here could only mean "that which had whole of your attention, the whole of you in it." Where you've heartily involved yourself with.

Assuming our brain to be database, wherein everything of us is stored, what we call memory would just be a query! Only thing here is you keep "querying" for what you have involved most with. Seems like, its beyond your control, whereas the fact is "it is still your choice."

This petty simple logic. Any pain or pleasure that had you completely occupied would remain with you for long.

Well, the another quote from same author may be what you got to think about:
Reason is the historian, but passions are the actors.
Antoine Rivarol

Su.. said...

Purnima.. Thanks for helping me out.. Thanks a lot.. I remember SQL queries now..

drop table HEART;
drop table MIND;

Mission accomplished! :)..

Mahita said...

Hmm... thanks Puri...
I guess my question was why is memory related to heart and i am unsure if ur comment answered that point.. :(.
The subsequent discussion in the post only rambles on my perspective of heart and brain, or so I hope :)..

Mahita said...

@Su, the second comment is reasonable :P...