I hate being mediocre, cannot understand why though. I have never been best at anything, but I prided in being obsessive about details. And when I have my details, I am ready to go for a head on, but it is not in me to sit with a problem for an eon. Somehow, I never appreciated people finding flaws with me, not because I think I am perfect, not because I think I do not deserve to be pointed out, but because I think I should have found that flaw by myself. When I am pointed with the obvious, it is exceptionally hard on me to swallow it in.
These days have been a little bit tough for me, what with thoughts ranging from deranged to retarded to depressing to worried, on top of it my health has been fantastic, I just do not need a disappointment in terms of what I do! But then, I always failed to understand this part of me. Why is it so difficult for me to accept that I am wrong? Though I accept it, I just cannot digest it and it simply turns me off. I sometimes wonder if I miss the minute details and I am not as detailed as is required. And this raises other questions as to whether I am doing the right job or not!
I had a tough day today, what with arguments back and forth and finally some conclusion, but the thing is, why can’t I put across my thoughts clearly? Is it because my thoughts are cluttered that I cannot find a damn needle in that haystack? Or is it that it is plainly obvious and I fail to see? When I set out being an engineer, I want to be the best in the field. As days progressed, I realized my interests lie elsewhere. I like being part of a boardroom, I like having to take decisions, I like to know that the onus is on me, I like to take the pride that I am responsible for a success or a failure. I like being responsible, plain and simple. But am I really responsible? Or am I just unable to cope up? Are my expectations too high? Am I trying to be a perfectionist? Am I going in the right path? What is it that is holding me down? Why am I unable to live upto the expectations? Why am I unable to stand up and make myself count? I know I am just a drop in the ocean, but sure, that drop does make a difference. Why is it I am unable to make a difference? Am I being too relaxed? Am I taking my life for granted? Me? A person, who wanted to give the best of her ability, today is accepting a mediocre performance. How did it ever come to this? Why did it ever come to this? Disturbances are an excuse and are blatantly refused to make a case.
I think it is time for retrospection. I think I need to go back and remember why I ever want to be the best at what I do. I think I need to go back and talk to myself and challenge myself to be better than what I am today. At some point I gave up and I need to find that spark again and ignite it. Well, let me just see how it goes from this minute.
Motivation comes with responsibility and I think I have enough of it. Motivation comes with the right atmosphere and I think I have that too. Motivation comes with the right team and I have that too. Motivation comes with the right peers and I have them too. Most importantly, motivation comes from the desire to outshine myself and excel par limitations. Everything is possible as long as I believe it can be done and my job is to get it done, plain and simple. And I will.
All the best... :) ...
Quite honestly, You need a break. Yeah, add to that it was a bad day too!
Though its cynical, the fact that 'conclusion' takes place, generally when we get tired of thinking - inevitable, isn't it :)
The positive sign, you have stumbled upon a new dream, possibly?. Hope you achieve it soon! Check your sails and start the journey towards achieving that.
All the very best :)
thanks :)
Thankyou Chandu. Not a new dream, but holding on to the old one and desperately want to achieve it. :)
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hmmm im afraid....I wish you could be independent thinker than a being conformist...everyone is great in its own ways.....and there is nothing right or wrong..its only one way being better than other...when we fail to choose better way this time then we can always do it next time....but dont ask me how to find ways.......doesnt know if it makes sense to you or me :)
Everyone is unique. Finding a better way seems to be a tug of war if each choice presents itself as the best choice :)... Right?
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