
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Nov 30, 2009

Miracles happen in life...

... just need to know what that miracle is, to realize that it did happen or pray for it to happen!!!

Deep inside the enchanted forest lies magic, the magic of miracles. That is where knights find their princesses! Deep inside the magical forest, lies an enchanted tree whose branches reach the sky and in the cloud that hovers above this tree, lies a land that changes every day (Enid Blyton ofcourse!!). And then, there are wanderers roaming these forests, some find love, some find bravery, but one who survives the charm finds a warrior… If life is like an enchanted forest, each day charming its way through the lives of knights, princesses, dreamers, wanderers, warriors alive in us, who would I want to be?

Tough question! I want to be a princess, enthralled by an alluring knight. I want to be a wanderer, exploring the path, being absorbed into the captivities it holds, as it unravels. I want to be a warrior, unafraid and strong. But, truly, am I not a dreamer, in that I wish to be a princess or a warrior? Honestly, I am a dreamer. I love to dream and I love to dream big. Every day I wake up, I need to feel that gush to my head, that I am something – not by definition of my predecessors or by a last name, but as “me”. And I dream about it, every day. Of course, I dream of an Edward (I know that it is impossible to find an Edward, for I am no Bella! Please checkout the Twilight series, if any one is confused – they are the new Romeo-Juliet, without the tragedy!), I dream of a cosy house, of a challenge surrounding my day ahead. I dream of a warrior strong enough to deal with the challenges and emerge a winner. But, dreams aren’t enough, to be a princess or a warrior.

At the close of the dusk lies a dawn, yet at the close of every year, there is a foreboding inside me. I want to shoot like an arrow, yet, I am afraid I am losing focus. Or perhaps, I have not found my focus, yet. Too many questions clogging my mind and here I sit, wondering about the choices of life and the paths I chose. I do not regret the paths I travelled, yet I want to take a complete U-turn and start afresh. The very core of my strength is suffocating me and I want to cleanse the entire slate and make a meaningful beginning. Nothing can turn the time back, not even an earnest prayer. Wish I had a time-turner!!! (Harry Potter, here I ask of you too!!!), but alas, life is no fantasy – it is real! And lost time is “experience”. How true, experience is a word that the old use to cover their mistakes! A piece of wisdom that came through experience again!!!

Yet, there is that tiny corner of hope for miracles in life. That this foreboding will warm up to something truly magnificent and the enchantments will turn to endearments! The demons that unveil in the dark will wash away in the flicker of hope that shines through me. And the will in me won’t snap in two, for the darkest hour lies just before the dawn. The U-turn might not change back the time and perhaps, I need to go obtuse, think out of the box and do something all together different for the miracle to happen. But, what is that miracle? Damned, if I know!!!


Su.. said...

Hmmm...Interesting set of cute thoughts and dreams that are so darn nice...

Wish you find your edward someday :)...

Mahita said...

Thank you... there is no Edward out there ... :) one cannot be confused with fantasy and life. :P

S said...

"Wish I had a time-turner!!!"
-me 2 me 2 :)

Karthik said...

If you know "what is that miracle?", then it is not miracle at all...then miracle will become an ordinary happening in our life, we may not be in position to enjoy that very moment when miracle happens in our life....

Mahita said...

Wish all the wishes can come true! But then life would be a doledrum, if that is the case!!! :)

Glad you could stop by!!
How true, if we know what the miracle is, then we would not enjoy that miracle in life... :). Yet, to thoroughly enjoy that moment, perhaps one needs to realize that it was a miracle, that turned into a moment of bliss :)