
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Aug 7, 2009

Would it be futile?

Dreams are the interpretations of one’s subconscious mind. What we keep thinking through and through, transforms into a dream and creates a dejavu experience. But, then, at the end of the day, the point is, they are the product of the thoughts in one’s mind. But, we cannot control these subconscious thoughts any more than we can control the flow of air! So, I wonder, would it be a futile attempt to control one’s life beyond a given day, for, if we cannot control a simple thought that originates in our mind, how can we control the time that is beyond anyone’s control? And how can we control life that seems to be proportional to time, in that it ages through time with little clarity as to what it would be tomorrow! And how can one aspire to control someone else’s emotions or feelings, when one cannot control their own thoughts?

It is one of those days, where thoughts just rip through your mind and one of those days you end up feeling totally hideous… I cannot seem to stop thinking, though I am sitting at my desk and have tons to do, but nothing seems to register beyond the altercations in my mind. And it is these days I wonder, if I am a professional, at all!!! Again, the concept of professionalism is too overrated. I wonder, to be a professional, should one close out heart and open only the mind, but then, if my heart is not in it, it being whatever it is that I am doing, then I am no more than a goat at a master’s command and I certainly cannot be like that!

Anyway, the question that is now bothering me is, should one aspire to plan for life or take it as it comes? If we take life as it comes, can one succeed in life? Does taking life as it comes, mean that we need not plan for anything? Then what are goals for? What are objectives for? To aspire, to lead, to win, to gain fame – shouldn’t all these just go into the “let them come” phase of life? Why bother with trivialities when we cannot control the next minute? Can someone answer this?


adarkmarshbench said...

I am a staunch believer in 'planning' and I crib when things don't go according to the plan.

With that mindset, I give my 2 cents for all who don't actually plan and cry later when they feel they should have done something about it.

Also, for the 'let it come I'll handle it as it comes' - these set of people are either too scared to think of the future or maybe even too frivolous in nature. There are very few cases who have succeeded or seen a bit of it, these outliers are to be credited fairly to the 3rd party who cared for these junta.

Dreams are always good. They attach some weight to ambitions - good ones most of the times. Having some long term goals -> working with a middle realistic goal -> daily tasks....essence of planning. Final word, Dreams can be realized with proper planning.

I think I am becoming some gyaan-guru or something like it :P...but you asked a question....and I answered it :)

Mahita said...

:).. Dreams are good, they attach weight to ambitions... that is quite right...
Plan is something I do not do nor do I believe in.. For some reason, I like to seize today and let the rest fall in place... :)
BUt nice to read a perspective... :)

Su.. said...

Planning - is good.
Not living upto it - is bad.

I plan - good.
I dont live upto it - bad.

Cant help it... Human tendency to make and break plans... Dreams too change as time changes... Today I am planning to buy a bike and tomorrow if the wind changes, I may plan to buy a car... Who knows...

If my dreams are growing big, its good... If they take a proper shape - better... If I achieve it - party time...

If I stand today saying "ok..lemme take life the way it comes"... I may lose the very charm in it...

Dreaming big and pursuing goals brings in excitement in life and makes ur life worthy...

It was just an answer to a question :p... Please dont look for logic behind it :)...

And how much do I score outta 5? :p :p :p...

Vijayenjoy said...

Definetly you need to plan and aim to achieve your dreams, but then life has its own plan and you need to take as it comes. The challenge you face is balancing between these two only then you will sustain, its like take life as it comes not compromising your plans to achieve the goals. Sometimes you get carried away from the life, but then at some point you get control over it and start planning it. But then realizing sooner or later yourself and acting up on leads to the success. Its just as project plan, you plan and you end up with the real life problems, you still asses the risks and replan and goes on until the project is successful else the project will be failed.