
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Aug 22, 2009

Ganesha, do we have a deal???

I am ridiculously looking forward to the Ganesh Chaturdi. Been a long time since I looked forward to something and it comes as a refreshing wave to have something to look forward to. He is trusted to stop the obstacles in their way at his very thought and since I want to start on a fresh chapter in my life, (no wedding bells, yet, before someone would ask!!!, just the general belief coincidentally: When you fall flat and have no where to go, look above and help will be there), I think, tomorrow would be the best day to start it. Wish me luck people!!!

Today has been one of those days, where I started off pretty well and all of a sudden went down for some unknown reason. I went to office, (no, my manager is not killing me, YET, but probably WILL, sometime in the future ) and had no mood to work, tried doing it for about three hours before I gave up knowing that, what would take an hour, would take a day, with the mood I was in, so went out. Books are probably the only things that connect to me so well that they can lift me from any dump to ecstasy and this new bookstore should have made me ecstatic, to be surrounded by something so very personal and enjoyable, yet there was something that was weighing me down, as a last good bye to a dear friend, the feeling, the emotion. Cannot say why or what, just that wave of nausea that seems to have ripped into me. for some unknown reason, the thing that always offered me comfort unsettled me even more! But anyway, it was a passing cloud and I am back to normal.

Ganesh chaturdi has been my favourite festival of sorts and I don't know who looks forward to the delicacies, him or me!! I love to decorate the idol. Wonder if he would be tired of the worship though(9 days, obviously he would be tired!)! But, then he must be tired already, to listen to the chants, those that he can swat with a hand and rest while his heart searches for a soul who truly needs his presence for something really vital. Anyway, I just want to remind him that I have already placed my application and will be flagging him down tomorrow and I would be enthralled if he could accept mine and bless me with the tiniest portion of warmth in the lives of me and my family. And give me the strength and will to sustain impulses (so against my type) and live a life (this is something I do normally, but I would give anything for a hormone called compassion and empathy in my blood) and bless me with patience (which is so unlike me too). So, Ganesha, do we have a deal? Please say, yes!!!


adarkmarshbench said...

Ganesha says "Yes. Bless you :)"

Happy Ganesh Chaturdhi to you and your family. Good luck with your endeavours. May everything you start turn into Gold.

Su.. said...

You havent given him a choice...Have you? :)...

Wishing you luck big time in the very next stride you are planning to take and for the endless strides you plan to take after that single stride :)..

In short wish you good luck :)...

N yea.. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to you and your family :).... Its not Chaturdi... :p :p :p

Mahita said...

:), Thank you..
Vinayaka Chavithi subhakankshalu... :)

Thank you...

Vijayenjoy said...

Ganesha had said "Yes" to you last year only...please do realize and take it....all da best......we dont have festival but still i cud find ganesha wishing me....he he