
You are at the risk of entering my world as I see it. Any resemblance to people or situations to the real world is coincidental. The names and characters are fictional and the fiction posts are a mere fantasy of my whim. This is a make-believe world of my complex mind and while I try not to be offensive, if the content is too strong, please do not continue reading the post.

Aug 12, 2009

I am Happy!!

Hmmm. Thank you for all the warm souls who cared enough to give me a call and find out what the heck is wrong with me and this post is exclusively for them.

Like a cool breeze that gives in a spurt of free air in the midst of a hot summer, the beauty sleep in its regal self visited me last night and I slept for a damn straight 12 hours. I slept at 9:10 and woke up at 8:45 today morning with absolutely no thought to spare in my mind and I am glad that I got this sleep. I never knew I missed it :). So, the first thing I am doing is post this, to share my happiness. And my mind better be in form today, else I shall sue it for non-cooperation!!!

Have a bright day ahead….


Vijayenjoy said...

Hamma....Great news...from now onwards, we can expect some relief not reading the lengthy posts......Lol just kidding.

adarkmarshbench said...

Nice to hear that, Mahita. You are anytime welcome - don't mention :)

Let me know if you need any help in filing the suit against your mind.

Keep smiling (and sleeping too) :)

Su.. said...

kewl :)

Mahita said...

Hmm... perhaps :P

:), Thank you...

You think so? :)

Su.. said...

Mmm... Ok... Tell me how many days is it gonna last :p